31 January 2013

How to Send Free SMS through Gmail

 जीमेल से एसएमएस भेजने के लिए आपको सबसे पहले जिसे एसएमएस भेजना है उसे अपने कॉंटेक्ट फ्रेंड चैट में जोड़ना होगा.
    नाम जोड़ने के बाद वह शख्स आपकी फ्रेंड लिस्ट में शामिल हो जाएगा और तब आप उससे चैट करने के लिए विंडो खोलें.
    विंडो खोलने के बाद वहां पर साइड में बने ड्राप डाउन (नीचे की तरफ बने बटन) पर क्लिक कीजिए और सेंड एसएमएस पर क्लिक कीजिए.
    इसके बाद आपको एक नई विंडो में अपने दोस्त का मोबाइल नंबर और जगह डालना होगा. जानकारी भरने के बाद सेव बटन दबाएं.
    अपनी जानकारी सेव करने के बाद चैट विंडो में ऊपर की ओर आपकी डीटेल के साथ मैसेज टाइप करने का बॉक्स खुल जाएगा. इस बॉक्स के ठीक ऊपर आपकी एसएमएस लिमिट भी लिखी होगी.
    मैसेज बॉक्स में अपना संदेश टाइप कर सेंड कर दें. ऐसे में आपका मैसेज सामने वाले के पास पहुंच जाएगा.

22 January 2013

How to Send Free SMS through Gmail:

Send SMS from Gmail, you have to send your  SMS, Chat friend that will add in contact first.
After you add your friend list name will join the man and then you open the window for him to chat.
After you open a window in the side drop down there (became the downwards button) and click on send SMS.
After you create a new window to insert your friend's mobile number and place. Press the Save button after filling out the information.
 To save your information in the chat window to type up the message box will open with your details. Limit your SMS will be written above the box.
Type your message in the send message box. So your message will arrive to the front.

UP Basic Teacher Merit List 2013 - See your rank in the district

Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Board Allahabad Will be Today Announced  Rank List / Merit List 2013. For know your Rank Number in related District, Please click on given Link and enter your TET Roll Number, Date of birth and given code.

18 January 2013

View new You-tube beta version and Save Data

Everyone thinks that when you use the Internet to save your data or the data is less. The U - tube watch U - tube using the new beta version and save your data. (Http://www.youtube.com/feather_beta)
The U - Tube Light version (light version).

How to connect your computer to the Internet using your Nokia mobiles?

How to Install the Nokia Mobile Internet Add the
following Nokia Mobile Internet Add to Install -
1 - the Nokia Bluetooth or USB (USB) Connect the data cable from the Install. than the 2 - PC suite (pc suite) at ICON Click. 3 - "Friend Connect to the Internet", click the icon. 4 - "configure", click the icon. 5 - Right click on the arrow. 6 - Your network operator from the list by selecting the check (finish) on Click. 7 - now "connect" Click. Install will connect you to the Internet. (If you're not connected to the Internet Install two - three times the "connect" Click. If you are still not connected to the Internet Install Add the following after the fifth stage) 6 - "configure the connection manually ", select and right click on the arrow. 7 - "Access Point" as the column name in the Access point - bsnlnet, airtelgprs.com etc. Write the correct marks (finish) Click. 8 - Now " connect "Click. Install will connect you to the Internet.

How to connect Computer - Laptop to the mobile?

 Computer - laptop to connect to the mobile before your computer - laptop required PC Suite (PC Suite) as - Nokia mobiles Nokia pc suite or ovi suite install the data cable or Bluetooth to connect with. 1 - the USB data cable -   the first mobile data cable connected to the other end of the cable to the computer - laptop Knektiviti U.aslbil port by adding mobile pc suite, select Settings.  2-Bluetooth - from     the first Mobile and computer - laptop turn on Bluetooth (computer - laptop on to press Fn + F3), the mobile search new device, click Bluetooth settings. When the search is complete, click on connect and computer - laptop ok to fill the passcode. Still ok mobile Please fill in the same passcode. Now your computer - laptop, mobile will connect.

17 January 2013

How to use a computer?

 Computer usage: -
Computer when you use the switch to turn on the UPS or board. Switch on the computer and wait for Windows to load completely and than refresh .
Similarly, when you first start the computer off ,click on (start),  then shutdown (shut down) to click. If you still can not stop shutdown Force (Force shutdown), then Yes (Yes) to click on.
If you do not obey the rule the computer on or off, Windows Error (windows error) is likely to come.

How to type in Hindi language in Computer ?

Computer to type in Hindi language -
Hindi language to type in the computer in Windows in 7 computer to your computer by clicking the following order - Change the settings for the board. Menu (Start)> Control Panel> Region and Language > Keyboards and Language> Change Keyboards> General> Add this window to Hindi (hindi) select and Devanagari and Other signs on the right, then to click Apply and Ok.

How to Use Computer in Hindi language?

Computer in Hindi language -
Hindi language in computer assurance in the following order by clicking the Select Computer in Hindi language.
Menu (Start)> Control Panel> Region and Language> Formats
In this window you Hindi (hindi selected), then click ok and to Apply.

Hindi Web Gyan